jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

La Imagen de la Semana: Ocaso

Aunque la mayoría de los fotógrafos se marcha de esta zona del Parque Nacional Yosemite cuando se pone el sol, Phil Hawkins suele quedarse una hora más para ver como evoluciona la luz.

Though most photographers leave Yosemite National Park’s Tunnel View overlook when the direct light of sunset has disappeared, Your Shot member Phil Hawkins usually stays for another hour to see how the light evolves. “On this occasion I happened to notice a slight glow in the mist hugging the valley floor and wondered how this would look in a timed exposure,” he writes. “So I drilled in on an area of activity and simply left the shutter open for about ten minutes, and this image is the result.” 

Fotografía: Phil Hawkins

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